April 30, 2024

From the Weekly Update of Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, May 1, 2009:

There are a lot of teams in Gainesville – sports teams, medical teams, professional teams, consultative teams, young people teams, older people teams.  Each team works together to accomplish a goal; each team works in support of all its members.  Team spirit is paramount driving decisions while responses and reactions stem from what might be good for the whole.

This May 1st is St. Joan and St. George Day at QPA.  Another tradition is beginning.  It is our first time to separate the Academy into two teams – Yellow and Blue.  It is our first time to provide our students with the opportunity to come together in competition and support forming teams of the very young up to the teen-agers.  An abundance of cheers will be heard for the Yellow and the Blue – each team vying for the magnificent trophy which will bear the name of the winning team.

Much will play into this fun day.  We should all be able to observe children working together, children doing their best, children affirming one another, children showing team spirit and compassion, growth and love.  It will be as if we planned a final exam for this year for personal and moral growth.  Beginning with Liturgy, this day will be placed in God’s hands – it will soar from there!

Go Blue!  Go Yellow!  Go Saints!

April 29, 2024

O sing a new song to the Lord, for He has worked wonders…”. (From the Entrance Antiphon for Sunday, April 28, 2024) Deep within we know this to be true; in reality we often forget. Deep within, we know for certain that God’s love is beyond our imaginings. We know that God’s Presence is sure. We know that God listens and responds and never leaves us alone. These truths alone are wonders!

Our part in these wonders is to believe and to sing God’s praises. Opening our heart and spirit to take in these wonders of God can sometimes be a hard task. It is much easier to see God’s wonders in our prayers being answered, in the healing of a loved one, in the inspiration needed to begin something new. Whether hidden or apparent, each day calls us to sing our thanks and praise to God for God has does wonderful things!

April 28, 2024

The Alleluia days still surround us! Still we hear “Christ is risen!”. Still peace is pronounced; still the question, “Why are you troubled?’ is asked. The empty tomb and the Emmaus revelation fill our heatts and minds and lift our spirits over and over. “Touch me and see…”.

Amazing events are indeed worthy of telling and retelling. Saying the words and remembering the feelings help us to relive the mood, the atmosphere, the happenings multiple times. That’s why we take pictures, frame them and place them in prominent places. The joy simply keeps on.

On this Sunday, surface some family favorites. Tell and retell from each one’s perspective. Perhaps create an appropriate response. Christ is risen Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

April 27, 2024

Another image is presented by John’s Gospel for tomorrow. Jesus proclaims that He is the vine; we are the branches. We are cared for and encouraged to move toward growth, to remain in Christ. Preparing we pray…

Risen Christ, hear our prayer!

  • For all people who are seeking community and faith in Christ, we pray…
  • For a firm trust in God knowin we are never alone, always being led toward the good, we pray…
  • For strength and courage to lean into faith confident that God is already within, we pray…
  • For an awareness of the abandant gifts of grace given, we pray…

Risen Christ, hear our prayer!

“Almighty ever-living God, constantly accomplish the Paschal Mystery with us…” (Opening Prayer for Sunday, April 28, 2024)

April 26, 2024

Risen Christ, You told us that You are the Good Shepherd. You also said that You are the way, the truth, the life; You are the vine; You are the gate. You used so many words to describe Your love and care for us. No one word was sufficient; no one concept or parable could adequately paint Your picture.

No matter what our days present to us, You are there. You are there beside us, opening doors of invitation to deeper faith and trust in You. You ask only that we breathe in Your Presence welcoming You into our joys, our struggles, our questions.

Today, we lift our hearts and hands and minds to You in gratitude. You are our Good Shepherd. You are the gate. You are the vine. You are the way, the truth and the light. Amen. Alleluia!

April 25, 2024

Today, the Church honors St. Mark. He is known as the first to author a Gospel, to relay the words and actions of Jesus. Though not one of the apostles, Mark was a member of the first Christian community. He listened. He followed. He shared. His writing enriched so many.

Mark is a great reminder to us all of our own giftedness. We never really know the potential our gifts hold. We grow in these gifts and share them without knowing where and what and how they rest with others. In truth, that is the way God works. It’s the way the Spirit moves from one to the other. It’s the way that Jesus becomes known more and more.

April 24, 2024

O God, let all the nations praise You! (Psalm Response for Wednesday, April 24, 2024)

Look, O loving God on Your people and bless us. Fill us with Your grace and Your blessing. Guide us in the ways of Your love, teach us and fill us. Be present everywhere.

May we, Your people, look always to You knowing that You are Creator of all. Lead us in Your ways. Show us the path to inclusiveness and truth.

May all people praise and thank You. And may, You, O God, bless us and our endeavors each and every day.

O God, let all the nations praise You!

April 23, 2024

From the Weekly Update of ueen of Peace Catholic Academy, April 16, 2010:

Our gym this day, April 16th, is a showcase of the past.  It is a museum filled with reminiscences of those who have formulated who and what we are.  It is a masterpiece of documentation of collaboration between adults and young people; of creativity and energy and dedication.  It is magnificence at its height!  It is our Middle School History Faire!  How exciting to have a conversation with Senator Joseph McCarthy, Cleopatra, Buddha, St. Francis, Rosa Parks, Walt Disney and many, many more – all within a three hour period in the same space.  So much has been learned, so much has been shared.  There is so much of which to be proud and so much gratitude to be expressed.

All of this makes one wonder about the role of the Holy Spirit in our past and in our present.  We wonder about those great people who opened their minds and hearts to the inspiration and movement of the Spirit in their daily lives.  We ponder the span of years that women have assertively expressed their giftedness and worth, that both men and women have spoken and acted toward freedom and justice for all, and that people have looked at the poverty of others and reached out to assist.  Surely, the Holy Spirit has been in it all just as St. Paul told me today.  As he spoke of his shipwrecks and imprisonments as well as his loss of friendships, he recognized God’s presence guiding all he did.  No matter where our days and thoughts and great desires lead us, the Spirit is ever ready to play an integral part.

This month, we have all accepted the challenge to open our eyes and hearts to the Spirit.  We encourage you to do the same.  Listen and be aware!  Pay attention to the yearnings of your heart!  Be the person God intended from the moment of conception!  Let the Spirit lead you in ways you would never think of going.

April 22, 2024

There’s a lot of consolation in being known by Jesus. There could be some uncomfortableness as well. Jesus who knows us, loves us. Jesus who knows us challenges us. Jesus reminds and nudges. Often silent, He still knows. He never gives up but waits just as we wait. He is patient, kind, faithful.

The parable of the Good Shepherd is so well known, it can slip by without notice. No matter, Jesus is attentive, always the Good Shepherd, always present, always within reach.

“Look upon Your flock, kind Shepherd….(Prayer after Communion, Sunday, April 21, 2024)

April 21, 2024

As a chant of Alleluia continues to be proclaimed in Church with proclamations of post-Resurrection stories, a hint of Pentecost is beginning to surface. There’s no certainty of the length of time the disciples waited in the Upper Room. The fear and wonder and anxiety could have been weeks or months or even a year or two. Sure, they had the few personal visits with the “Do not be afraid. It is I!”, but human as they all were, time was needed. There was grieving to be done and faith to be healed. There was trust to be strengthened and there were stories to be retold.

What do we wait for in this time? What is churning or trying to give birth within? What are the stories? the experiences? What longs to be grieved? to be made whole?

Blessed Sunday of Eastertime! Happy Family day!