June 30, 2017



Our loving God, You are a God of surprises and miracles!  You shower Your goodness on us all the time.  Often we don’t recognize Your love or compassion or protection, but we do know that it is there.

Today we hear about Abraham who is 96 years old and Sarah who is 90.  They are about to go on an unbelievable journey that stretches miles, involves many others and has its share of mishaps and trials.  You promise to Abraham that his descendents will be greater than the stars.  You promise to Sarah that she will have a son.  You promise to be with them.

Each day, our lives go in many different directions.  Some days we face hard decisions. Some days we hear bad news.  Some days we enjoy family and friends.  Some days we are free of the responsibilities of work and are privileged to play.  You promise to be with us.

Thank You Lord for Your continual presence and mindfulness of our needs.  Thank You for challenging us and always walking with us.  Thank You for Your promises to us!

June 29, 2017



It is always amazing to me the power of a change in venue or routine.  It can be simple like sleeping later or taking a walk at night instead of the morning.  It can be going on a vacation or a long weekend visit to friend or family.  It can be anything at all that makes your day run differently and the ordinary “schedule” is just a bit different.  Those times can make one feel a bit disoriented or just “not right”.  It’s not a bad feeling but just different.

Sometimes we have those feelings with God.  Sometimes our usual prayer style just doesn’t seem “right”.  We don’t feel the communication is getting through or the satisfaction is there.  We aren’t feeling that God is on the same page or listening or responding in the known ways.  It’s in those times that we make a change in the “how” and the “what”.  We try new ways to pray and talk to our Creator.

Whatever we feel or do or say, we must always be confident of God’s love and care for us. It may just be that God enjoys a change now and then as well!

June 28, 2017

The Lord remembers His covenant for ever.  (Psalm response for Wednesday, June 28, 2017)

Lord, You promised to be our God if we would be Your people.  You promised Abraham that his descendants would be numerous.  You have kept Your promises!

We are grateful for Your many gifts to us, for Your protection and guidance and presence. To You we offer praise knowing it is You Who provides for us, always giving what is best.

As we join in thanksgiving we once again ask that You give us the courage and strength we need to be faithful followers, to listen intently and to reach out in love to others.

Today the stars will serve as a reminder of Your goodness.  We know we cannot count them nor can we count our many blessings from You.  Thank You, our loving God!

The Lord remembers His covenant for ever.

June 27, 2017



Summer days are meant as time to simply enjoy.  I’m not sure if it was a part of God’s plan or not, but surely these days are ones for fun, rejuvenation, adventure and exploration.  God’s plan included Sundays as a day of rest; we humans have simply extended that time to a week or two of Sundays!

Taking time to truly appreciate nature in all its forms is a way of praising God!  Long walks, a swim at the beach, a boat ride or fishing, hiking a mountain trail – these can open our eyes to the extreme wonder of God’s great goodness.  Even the very act of celebrating with loved ones is a hymn of gratitude and acknowledgement of our many blessings.

Have a happy summer day!

June 26, 2017



The Entrance Antiphon for yesterday grabbed my attention:  “The Lord is the strength of His people…”  The Lord, our God and Savior is our strength.  The Lord is our courage. The Lord is our Wisdom and Understanding.  The Lord is our All – if we simply let go and allow God to do what God knows best to do.

This can be a great means of consolation for us knowing that our God has everything covered already.  All our concerns and grief and worries and anguish are all held tightly in the heart of the God of strength.  All our plans and to-dos and vision are there as well. We, of course, need to do our part, but the confidence in knowing that God is the strength we are not, is what we need to walk though our day.  God’s strength is what we need to have each conversation, to go from tear to tear, to listen to another, to enter fully into whatever the day brings.

Write the first line of the Antiphon on your heart today:  “The Lord is the strength of His people…”.  Say it during the day.  Believe in it!  Act in it!  BE in it!


June 25, 2017



There’s construction going on at the Church again!  On Friday as we arrived for Mass, the floor for the new building was being poured.  What a huge distraction as the celebrant was waxing eloquently, and the parade of cement trucks drove passed the class door.

Unfortunately, my mind went to my childhood home and the manual cement truck used by my father.  My mind wandered as well to the dangerous game we played inside the mixer without fear of either being hurt or facing the ire of our parents.  I guess we felt that the punishment of one was the punishment of all and that together we could have fun and if necessary together we could face the consequences.  Nothing was difficult with one another.

That’s what families do!  That’s what faith-filled people do!  Together we take risks for one another believing in our loving God to catch us no matter what.  Should we venture into something a bit crazy, like riding the inside of a cement mixer, someone or Someone will be there to counsel, to listen, to set things aright.  If our hearts are where they belong and our faith is consistently strengthened, our memories will enrich and be sources of growth.

Gathering as family on this Sunday, keep those memories flowing. Plant some seeds today that will long enliven conversations into the future.

June 24, 2017



Tomorrow we find ourselves back in Ordinary Time at the Twelfth Sunday.  We hear and reflect on darkness and light.  We pray…

Fill us with truth and light and faith!

  • For all those who live in darkness not knowing God or having hope for their future, we pray…
  • For courage and a sense of belonging to the “nobodies” in our midst, we pray…
  • For inspiration to speak when necessary and to be silent when necessary, we pray…
  • For a deep faith that believes and trusts in God’s protection and guidance and direction, we pray…
  • For those in harms way through natural disasters or conflict or chosen occupations, we pray…

Fill us with truth and light and faith!

O Holy Spirit, we are so blessed in You.  Thank You for Your gifts of wisdom, counsel, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord.  Remind us frequently of these gifts and encourage us to use them to bring light to ourselves, our families and our world.  Amen.

June 23, 2017


Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!  It’s a great day to ponder Jesus holding us lovingly in His Heart .  What a huge blessing and honor this is!  We remember that His very big heart holds lots of love as God’s beloved, as Brother and as Friend.  Today our hearts are full of gratitude as we return our love toward Him.

Several weeks ago, a parent shared a story with me about a Sacred Heart badge.  Her young son who is suffering with leukemia, received one of these badges from an older parishioner.  Mom  relayed the meaning of the badge with her son and he accepted it gratefully holding it in his hand and examining it.  The following day he took it with him for his chemo treatment.  When asked by the nurses who he was conversing with, he shared very calmly the Sacred Heart badge, its meaning and the fact that he was praying to the Heart of all Hearts to help him.  The Heart of Jesus heard and did not fail this young boy!  His faith is inspirational.

Today may be a good day for us to reflect on our level of faith in Jesus.  Scripture says it can be as small as a mustard seed but enough to fill our heart with peace and calm in trying times.  Let’s ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to embrace all that we are and all we hold dear and make our hearts like His own.




June 22, 2017



Generous God, how can we begin to thank You for all that You have given to us.  All of creation is for our enjoyment.  The beauty of it all is beyond us, especially during these summer days.  The green trees and grass along with the awesome flowers.  You delight us with the squirrels scurrying here and there, up and down the trees – and, oh yes, dashing onto the streets!

We are struck by the gentleness of the deer, and the singing of the birds.  And, at this time, Lord, we continue to be chilled by the touch of the raindrops – are You finished with that yet?  We are grateful; just wondering…..

Most of all, our loving God, we are most appreciative of the gifts of one another, of family, friends and co-workers.  We know we cannot go far without the Presence of Your Son and the Spirit; it is The Trinity that sustains us and opens our eyes to see and our ears to hear.

Our hearts of full of thankful praise this day!


June 21, 2017

Blessed the person who fears the Lord.  (Psalm response for Wednesday, June 21, 2017)

How happy is the man or woman who loves God, who is in awe of God!  How happy is the one who trusts in God, who places one’s life in God’s hands!

This person has faith in God allowing God to provide strength and courage and inspiration. This person knows that nothing one does is done alone.  This person gives God praise and gratitude for life, for gifts, for Presence.

There is nothing that God cannot do!   One can face disappointment with dignity and enjoy prosperity as a gift from God.

Yes, how happy indeed is the one who loves God with full confidence and faith and love.

Blessed the person who fears the Lord.