February 29, 2016

How’s Lent going for you?  Are your resolves still working for you?  Have your switched gears, decided on a different direction?

Whatever the case may be, hold on to the great love God has for you – for each of us.  Hold on to God’s forgiveness and mercy, God’s smiles and challenges.  Hold on to the beauty of faith and hope.  Hold on to your desire for an intimate relationship with God.

On the Leap Year day, do something frivolous that will make your heart leap!

February 28, 2016



Growing up in Maryland in the country, we had hotdogs for Sunday morning breakfast! They were wrapped in Wonderbread and covered amply with catsup.  It was the highlight of our week and formed a family tradition that made us our own and unique.  Still today as family gathers, we can be certain that the Sunday morning hotdogs will be part of our conversation.  In fact, I had a hotdog this Sunday morning myself!  And as, one of my brother’s would say – this is the beginning of a beautiful day!

This tradition is quite similar to the Eucharist, the Liturgy and the Sunday gathering of the faithful.  It is rich in the past and holds great promise for the future.  This wonderful gift left to us by Jesus is quite often a topic of conversation and stories and memories.  And, without doubt, the reception of the Eucharist makes the day a perfect one!

Happy Sunday!  Happy the Lord’s Day!  Happy family and community day!

February 27, 2016

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all my being bless His holy name.”  Psalm 103:1-2

My soul sings Your praise today, Lord!

I am grateful for the sun, the new day and the challenges it will bring.

I am grateful for the faith-filled people in my life, for their words of reflection, for their cries for help.

I am grateful for the tasks that await me today and the energy and creativity to accomplish them.

I am grateful for the gift of Baptism, for membership in Your family, for faith, for the treasure of Mary, the mother of Your Son.

My soul sings Your praise today, Lord!


February 26, 2016



God’s mercy can make even the driest land become a garden.  Let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.

Pope Francis

February 25, 2013

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”

Increase my trust in You, Lord

…..when the day is hard and rest is not in sight

…..when my plans do not materialize as I would want them

…..when the to-do list gets longer and longer

…..when my prayer rises up to You in great gratitude

Increase my trust in You, Lord.

February 24, 2016

What a dreary day with predictions of thunderstorms and a possible tornado!  This is a good day for a gratitude check……

Lord, we thank You for….

…..the rain that waters the earth, provides puddles to jump in and a gentle washing of our cars

…..the overcast sky that encourages us to stay inside, to read, to pray, to do something we have been putting off doing

…..the darkness of the day that is so like our own hearts some days that takes us within ourselves to converse with our loving God

…..the breeze that waves the branches of the trees in a gentle reminder of God’s presence signaling change within us

Thank You, Lord, for this dreary day that is not our choice but filled with blessings nonetheless.  Amen.




February 23, 2016


It’s time for another excerpt from a QPCA Weekly Update from the past!  The context of the message on March 13, 2009  proposed the purpose of our Lenten time:

It is a time to ask questions about Jesus and about ourselves. It is a time to ask questions of one another, “How do you live Lent?” “What gives you growth?” “How was that experience of prayer for you?” No one of us has all the answers or all the great thoughts. Together, however, we can be energy and love and compassion. Together, we can be the catalyst of strength and empowerment. Together, we can walk through Lent chipping away at the parts of our being which are not of God. Together, we can be the witness to hope that attracts others to live the Gospel Message.”


February 22, 2016

“Tend the flock of God in your midst.”   1Peter 5:2

This passage from 1Peter in today’s first reading is addressed to those in leadership in our Church.  It can, however, be for all of us.  Each of us has a “flock”, be it children, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors.  We have people who touch our lives and whose lives we touch – and those people, our flock, need tending.

We thank You, Lord for all the people in our lives, those who love us and those who don’t.

We thank You for the grace each day to reach out our hands, our arms, our voices to encircle the people of God.

We ask forgiveness for the closed fist, or the lack of response that may hurt another and alienate them from the flock.

Bring us all closer to You, Lord.  Keep us in Your flock!

February 21, 2016

It’s great to be up on the mountain with Jesus!

It’s great to come down off the mountain with Jesus!

It’s great to walk the days with Jesus!

It’s great to be aware of Jesus in others!

It’s great to hear the challenging voice of Jesus – wanted or not!

It’s great to have Jesus in my life!

February 20, 2016

The last few days have been filled with the words “bridges” and “walls”.  Many people are weighing in on who said what and when and why.  Some are even adding their own interpretations  of the meaning and intent.  There is no doubt that walls separate and bridges bring together.

Sometimes, our looks or words build a wall – for these times, we ask forgiveness, Lord.

Sometimes, our smile or laughter forms a bridge – for these times, we praise You, Lord.

Sometimes, our lack of response can be either a wall or a bridge – for these times, we beg You, Lord to turn our indecision into a time for growth.