September 30, 2016


The Mass Readings these days have told the story of the conversations between Job and God.  Job, enduring many trials, expresses his frustration.  He learns, perhaps the hard way, that if you tell God what you think, you’d better be ready for God to return the same! Today, Job realizes he has spoken once too many and says, “I put my hand over my mouth.  Though I have spoken once, I will not do so again; though twice, I will do so no more.”  (Job 40:3-5)

Who of us has not been in that situation?  Maybe God was not at the other end of our tirade or opinion or strong suggestion, but someone was!  Someone, who may have wished not to be the one listening (or not!).  We know the scenario:  the adrenalin rises and we convince ourselves that the thoughts racing through our minds are quite important.  Of course, we need to say them quickly before we forget and before we have time to think about it.  And sometimes, good is the result and other times not so much.

It is good to know that a great model like Job struggled with thinking before speaking. It may be helpful today to ask his help as the work of the day begins or as we interact with others socially.   Lessons learned are truly lessons gained.  Let today be one of them!

September 29, 2016



Today we celebrate the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  They were very important and powerful angels well known for their strength in doing God’s work.  We know Michael as a warrior, Gabriel as a messenger and Raphael as a guardian and protector.  Each performed an important task for God that marked a critical juncture in our salvation history.

As can be imagined, the attributes of these Archangels were passed on to people we all know.  We can, perhaps, name the “angels” in our lives who speak up for us, those who deliver the hard messages and those who are great protectors of our ideals and faith.  We may call them by a different name but their actions are the same.

And, quite often WE are those angels!  We are the ones who are urged on by love to speak the truth to our families and our co-workers.  We are the ones who delight in sharing good news, or inviting something challenging.  We are the ones who guard our love ones, watch over them and present them to God in prayer every single day.

Today, on this Feast of the Archangels, try to be aware of the gifts of the angels that are within.  Mark the incidents and times you utilize those gifts and praise God for the angel within you!

September 28, 2016



Let my prayer come before You, Lord.  (Psalm response for Wednesday, September 28th.)

Each day I call to You, O God.  I ask for protection for my family; for peace for the world.  I ask for good health and happiness; for success amid challenges.

Will You indeed work wonders?  Will You heal my troubled heart?  Will You help me discern Your plan and Your ways?

After all, it is You, who give gifts.  You who put people in my path to assist, to affirm, to provide laughter. You give me others to point out Your face in the face of others.

Each day as I call to You, I wait for You.  I wait in the sunrise, in the flowers, in the voices of children, in the prayers raised up to You.  I know You are in all of creation; I wait for You.

Let my prayer come before You, Lord.


September 27, 2016

From the Weekly Update of Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, September 14, 2012 (the Religious Theme for 2012-2013 was “God Has Done Great Things “):

This week had a very different beginning. Early on Monday morning the Middle School students were gathered in the Youth Center for a presentation on the full year plan for our theme, “God Has Done Great Things”. We looked at some of the wonderful things God has done and talked about what our response ought to be. With a big emphasis on social justice, we explored the dichotomies in our world from the beginning of time. We were made aware of the injustices in our day. The students were challenged with the question of Mary, “How can this be?” How can it be that we say we love God, yet do hurtful things to others? How can it be that there is bullying, name calling, putting one another down, or using an air of superiority? How can it be that we live as if some are better than others?

And so, we toss that same challenge to you, our parents and parishioners and readers.  Without a doubt social justice envelopes homelessness and hunger and poverty and discord. It envelopes, as well, those daily negative occurrences in our lives which make others feel less that God’s beloved. Is it possible that if each of us makes an effort each day to refrain from one action of injustice, that we could make a difference? Is it possible to pray Mary’s Magnificat and truly make her words come alive? Can we try?

God has done great things….God continues to do great things…God does great things through us and in us and for us. Truly our spirits can rejoice in God!


September 26, 2016

The Sunday readings were hard ones!  Faced with the rich and the poor, those who have much and those who have little is a tough topic.  Whether our riches are rooted in monetary things or in relationships we may all share in the “plenty” of Jesus’ parable.  We can all gather up our treasures and hold them to ourselves not to be shared.  Those treasure could be our gifts, they could be our friendships or a great idea or a deep thought.  We can simply choose to shelter it all within ourselves.

There are reasons, of course, that we protect our thoughts and gifts but no reason satisfies when the good of others is at hand.  Truly we don’t need the applause for our great plan when others ideas added to our own could make it spectacular.  Truly, too, dreaming aloud or wondering with others is life giving and fun!

This is perhaps stretching Jesus’ meaning of His parable, but it bears our consideration.  As we go through our days it is always good to open our heart and mind to what others have to offer.  We may be frustrated but we also may be enlightening and delighted.  Have a great day!

September 25, 2016


My very first sewing project was to make a skirt out of a chicken feed sack!  Since my mother was determined that all her daughters learn to sew, it was economical to utilize those colorful feed bags once emptied for the chickens.  Then, if the sewing job was done poorly, good fabric wasn’t wasted – and if done well, the wearer was a happy and proud owner of a pretty skirt.

Starting something new can be exciting and challenging especially when the intent is to perform well.  A safe beginning with the margin of error minute is always good.  That’s what Jesus was about when He invited His disciples to follow Him, telling them it would be like going fishing.  They could relate to that task, so a new beginning didn’t appear so daunting.

Each Sunday, we, too are invited to begin another week, to do what we do best – to be for one another, to love our family and friends, to listen, to share, to enjoy, to question, to take the used and make something new. Sometimes it may look or feel like a new beginning but with Jesus beside us the margin of error decreases.  Carrying Jesus with us in the Eucharist makes it even better.

Talk with your family today about your ordinary, simple things you will do this week.  They may be something new or look like something which with you are familiar.  Plan to intentionally “carry” Jesus with you throughout the week and be aware of the “something new” that happens within.

Enjoy your week!

September 24, 2016

Lord, our lives take us in many different directions and You provide for our needs.  We are grateful for our gifts both spiritual and temporal.  We pray for ourselves and for others:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your love.

  • That those who have much will assist those who have little, we pray…
  • That the richness of our interior gifts will overflow into the lives of others, we pray…
  • That we become more and more aware of those whose lives touch ours as we look, listen and respond, we pray…
  • That we grow in willingness to see with eyes of faith, hear with ears of faith and utilize hands of faith, we pray…
  • That we continue to remember our membership in God’s family and grow in union with our loving God, we pray…

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your love.

September 23, 2106

Loving Jesus, You asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?”.  Peter knew You were the Christ.  But what He didn’t know or want to know was that being Christ meant You were to suffer.  We humans don’t like the fact that those we love suffer.  We don’t like the fact that WE need to suffer.  We just plain don’t like suffering!

We look at the cross and express gratitude to You, Jesus, for Your suffering and death for love of us.  We pray about Your suffering.  And though we don’t truly understand, we are filled with love because You first loved us in this unique way.  Your physical suffering gives us hope.  Your mental and emotional suffering gives us strength.

Today, Lord, as we face our hard moments of pain and misunderstanding and questioning, we feel confident that with You by our side those moments will make some sense.  We know that our suffering is a mirror of Yours in some tiny form.  On this Friday we will look to You for steadfastness and faithfulness.  You are right beside us.  With You we can do all things.  Amen.

September 22, 2016


Cleaning documents off the computer is quite a chore!  If items have been saved over years, it’s like going a treasure hunt wondering “what” and “why” and “really”.  Creations that seemed so important at the time, all of a sudden, don’t seem so important.  One may even question the state of mind of the writer to actually fill up memory with something which appears so inane.

However, truth be told, that’s our lives.  Events, ideas, even people, can fill our heart and get placed into the “Very Important Information” folder.  And then, as time and age move on the value can decrease.  Very often these things become almost meaningless and perhaps may go into the “trash bin”.

How blessed we are to have God on our side!  God is changeless and in God we can find a most valuable friend and ally.  We change, our priceless documents change, our valued ideas change, but God remains.  God listens, God smiles, God takes all our “files” very seriously.  God puts a stamp of approval (so to speak) on all the areas that express our giftedness and then God waits.  Because no matter what our plans are, God also has a plan and what a happy day when those plans become ONE.  Someplace in the documents in our heart, God rests and is patient while quietly nudging us to delete, revise, revisit.

Take some time today for reflection on the files that are saved and stored in the deep recesses where there is only God and you.  Enjoy and be at peace!



September 21, 2016



Their message goes out through all the earth.  (Psalm response for Wednesday, September 21, 2016)

Colorful leaves and Autumn flowers declare God’s care of all creation and bring delight to the eyes and hearts of the beholder.  Gently the beauty of the Spring and Summer give way to the dying process.  God is present!

The smiles of children, the kind words of friends and neighbors and co-workers, bring joy to a downhearted spirit.  A card, a phone call, an email cheer the heart making a humdrum day one of happiness and peace.  God is present!

Birds singing in the trees preparing for their flight formation and eased by the cooling breeze carry a sign of relief and love and good things to come.  God is present!

Their message goes out through all the earth.