April 30, 2023

It’s time to gather creative thoughts to assemble a special remembrance of Mary for the month of May. Those memories of long ago growing up surface a small Mary statue and a tiny glass filled with water. From the yard came buttercups and dandelions, maybe forsythia or honeysuckle or a daisy. It was a simple remembrance but one that is recalled each May.

For many of us, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is very important in our faith journey. She who believed and trusted day by day is a great model for us. She wondered and pondered, questioned and hesitated but her deep faith never wavered. Now in heaven she is a great advocate for us. As mother, we believe that she carries our prayers to her Son. We believe that she carries our feelings along with the spoken requests.

Today would be a great one to reflect on her place in the lives of families and the way that she can be honored. Holy Mary, pray for us.

Blessed Fourth Sunday of Easter! Happy Family Day!

April 29, 2023

The very familiar parable of the Sheep and the Shepherd will be proclaimed tomorrow. It’s a reminder to listen for the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Preparing we pray…

Risen Lord, hear our prayer!

  • For the grace of attentive listening for the call of the Good Shepherd, let us pray…
  • For all who shepherd families, schools and the church, we pray…
  • For all who accompany others on their spiritual journey, we pray…
  • For the gift of discernment in all areas of our lives, we pray…

Risen Lord, hear our prayer!

Risen Lord, we give You thanks and praise…Alleluia!

April 28, 2023

Our good and loving God, our hearts are lifted in gratitude to You for this new day. For the beauty of the earth, for new growth, the needed rain we thank You. For friends and companions, family and co-workers… For faith and hope and love….

We know that You have given us hearts large enough that along with the beauty comes the pain and suffering of those near and far. We embrace them as we approach the foot of the cross each day. For them we feel Your promise of healing, the gift of miracle…the blessing of faith and hope and love…

If today, we wander from our desire to BE who You call us to be, gently nudge us. Should we forget Your Presence remind us of Your unconditional love. Should our busyness take priority, put before our eyes the grace of faith and hope and love…

April 27, 2023

These Easter days are quickly passing by and with them the post-Resurrection appearances become dimmed in our memories. Those stories of Jesus dropping in on the Apostles filled us with anticipation and joy of what can be. They brought excitement and a bit of mystery that generated questions and belief. “Be not afraid!” “it is I.” “Peace be with you.” We loved hearing these – and we looked forward to them being whispered in our ears each day.

These days don’t need to be in the past. We have the power to keep them alive each day. God bestows grace upon grace to those who love Him. Remembering is a grace! Loving Him is a surety. We believe Lord! Journey with us. Talk to us. “Peace be with you!

April 26, 2023

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy. (Psalm Response for Wednesday, April 23, 2023)

Shout and sing praises to our God! All of creation, all that God brought into being joyfully tell of God’s great goodness. With fullness cry out, “How tremendous are your deeds!”

May all on earth, all God’s children worship and give thanks. Everyone look and see and proclaim the wonderful works of God. Exalt in God’s goodness to all.

Marvel at the sea and the dry land. Proclaim God’s many miracles shown in love to His creation. God reigns forever and is worthy of our grateful thanks.

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

April 25, 2023

From the Weekly Update of Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, April 26, 2013:

Each morning a group of parishioners gather for 8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel.  This past week, Father Kaz has inspired us with reflections on the Easter time readings.  He has reminded us of God’s great love for us and of Jesus’ promise to prepare a place for us where He is.  We have been challenged to look for Jesus during the day in the face of a blessing.  And, as we know, those blessings are many!

Of special note on this Friday was a reminder of Jesus’ message – “Do not be afraid!” and “Don’t let your hearts be troubled!”  As Father said, our world both immediate and global is filled with sadness and trouble and evil, even though it is obvious that we find peace as we pray together.  However, as our day progresses, this peace gives way to unpleasant conversations, to disconcerting news, to problems which appear to have no solutions. “Do not let your hearts be troubled!”

This is a message for us all.  Our days can become (and probably are) hectic and far from humdrum.  Stress and tension can take over our lives if we allow that to happen.  What a huge blessing we have in Jesus’ words to us!  What a huge blessing we have to be in the presence of one another and to be reminded of who and what we are!

Why not consider attending an 8:00 AM Mass once a week?  Jesus promised peace and He will not disappoint.  He will calm our spirit and build our strength if we place ourselves in His care.  It is in Jesus that we become the person who builds a strong family and a strong community.  “Do not let your hearts be troubled!”

April 24, 2023

These Eastertime days give us moments to share and reflect on the many ways that God is in our lives. The emerging Spring, the advent of Summer, the longer days, the bursting forth of new life – and so much more. These and little miracles are popping up all around if we but look and see, listen and hear.

Surely the friends of Jesus on the way to Emmaus were disturbed and disappointed. Surely this clouded their vision and hardened their hearts. But Jesus was right there with them. As it is with us. He is rarely hidden from us though we think that He is. Going deeper and deeper within ourselves, we have difficulty taking that breath and looking around.

Jesus, we believe that You are in our midst.

April 23, 2023

Strolls in the country are usually energizing. A hike up a mountain is energizing as well but also challenging. A walk in the snow can be hard work. while a trek in a desert can be exhausting. Each is good in its own way; each has its purpose. Each holds great potential.

The journey to Emmaus heard at Mass today stirred some thoughts about daily walks, special walks, walks that are hard to take. Some of these walks are within, journeys of the soul. They can be walks we take with God or Jesus or the Spirit. They can be as challenging as the physical ones and as fulfilling and tiring.

As family gathers today, sharing stories of various walks could be quite interesting, maybe even fun or thought-provoking.

Blessed Third Sunday of Easter! Happy Family Day!

April 22, 2023

Two friends go for a walk in tomorrow’s Gospel. Confused and disturbed by the news of an empty tomb, they walk and talk and remember. Preparing we pray..

Risen Lord, hear our prayer!

  • For eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to feel the Presence of Jesus in our midst, we pray…
  • For those who are lonely or have no one to share disappointments or questions or wonderings, we pray…
  • For the grace to truly listen to the desires of another and to respond with the gift of companionship, we pray…
  • For increasing awareness of the Eucharist in our lives, blessing and giving growth, we pray…

Risen Lord, hear our prayer!

The Lord has been truly raised…Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

April 21, 2023

Risen Lord, we lift our prayers to You this day. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for Your life, death and resurrection. Our thankfulness for Your Presence in our lives is overflowing.

In Your great kindness, Lord, walk with us each day. We experience Your death in our lives in the sorrow and pain that comes our way, but our love for You reminds us that You are with us. What appears to be impossible or too hard, is very possible for You.

Open our eyes to see You. Open our ears to hear You. Open our hearts to love You more and more. Amen.