April 30, 2016

Fill us with Your peace, O Lord!

  • We believe in You, but often circumstances and events cause us to falter,
  • You told us not to be afraid but often fear invades us,
  • Your disciples rejoiced in You and Your Father but we slip into sadness,
  • We trust that Your Spirit will teach us how to follow You but we ignore the words,
  • Your love called us into being but sometimes we reject that love,
  • We are so in need of Your presence, Your Word, Your example within,

Fill us with Your peace, O Lord!

April 29, 2016

During these Easter season days, the readings are taking us on the journey of the disciples in the Acts of the Apostles.  Paul and Barnabas, Peter and James and their companions spread Jesus’ message, baptized and attempted to solve many, many issues that arose in those early days.  Taking the Gentiles into the fold was no easy task but one well worth all their efforts.   The Gentiles, you see, had lots of questions and were seeking clarification to validate their desire to join this community of believers.

Much has happened since those early days.  The Church has grown; the faith has grown.  Understanding and ritual have grown.  We have all become disciples spreading the message of Jesus.  Each day our lives are enriched by Eucharist and the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.  Truly the work of the early disciples was well worth it!

As you go about your day, recall your own early days and when you became an active member of a community of believers.  Who inspired you?  Who answered your questions?  What questions have gone unanswered?  Sit in prayer with gratitude for the “disciple” in your life and, if you’re comfortable, share your story with another.  It will be well worth it!

(Thank you for your prayers for my brother-in-law!  The surgery went well.  I am confident that he and the surgeon were lifted by your prayers.  The family is most grateful!)

April 28, 2016


Risen Lord, I notice that You tell us over and over, “Do not let your hearts be troubled!“.  I also notice that often what You tell us is very challenging especially with families and work and interactions with others.  I notice that You have Your own idea about what our days are to look like and sometimes, they don’t match our own.  I think I comprehend what Pope Francis meant when he urged us to go to the outskirts and beyond our comfort zone. However, I can stay in the safety of my home and feel stretched with a heart that is troubled!

Today, Lord, my brother-in-law has a heart that is physically troubled!  The surgeon plans to repair this “trouble” but I think he could use Your help.  Would You stand beside him and my brother-in-law?   You said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled!“.

Yes, Lord, I notice that You are closer to us than we are to ourselves.  Please take today’s troubles, clothe them with Your love and compassion and mercy and hold them close to You.  With You, I do notice there is no fear and that You can melt the troubled heart!

April 27, 2016

Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.  (Psalm response for today)

We rejoice today in our homes, in our school, in our workplaces, in our church.

We rejoice in our family, in our friends, in our neighbors, in those we love.

We rejoice in God’s presence, in God’s goodness, in God’s care and forgiveness.

We rejoice in our successes, in our mishaps, in our avoidances.

We rejoice in our happy times, in our family times, in our days of rest.

We rejoice in all God’s goodness to us, in our blessings, in our challenges.

We rejoice and we give thanks.

Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

April 26, 2016

From the Weekly Update of Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, April 26, 2013:

This past week, Father Kaz has inspired us with reflections on the Easter time readings. He has reminded us of God’s great love for us and of Jesus’ promise to prepare a place for us where He is. We have been challenged to look for Jesus during the day in the face of a blessing. And, as we know, those blessings are many!

Of special note on this Friday was a reminder of Jesus’ message – “Do not be afraid!” and “Don’t let your hearts be troubled!” As Father said, our world both immediate and global is filled with sadness and trouble and evil, even though it is obvious that we find peace as we pray together. However, as our day progresses, this peace gives way to unpleasant conversations, to disconcerting news, to problems which appear to have no solutions. “Do not let your hearts be troubled!”

This is a message for us all. Our days can become (and probably are) hectic and far from humdrum. Stress and tension can take over our lives if we allow that to happen. What a huge blessing we have in Jesus’ words to us! What a huge blessing we have to be in the presence of one another and to be reminded of who and what we are!

Why not consider attending an 8:00 AM Mass once a week? Jesus promised peace and He will not disappoint. He will calm our spirit and build our strength if we place ourselves in His care. It is in Jesus that we become the person who builds a strong family and a strong community. “Do not let your hearts be troubled!”

April 25, 2016

In the Sunday second reading from Revelation:  “God’s dwelling is in the human race.”  Lord, does that mean that God dwells in

  • the neighbor who plays loud music on a Saturday evening;
  • the driver who won’t let me in to leave the church parking lot;
  • the shopper at the grocery store who can’t find her cash;
  • the telemarketer who calls my cell phone;
  • the happy parishioners whose voices carry into the church as they converse in the gathering space prior to Mass.

Do you really dwell in them, O Lord?  How about in the ugly weed that has quickly climbed up the chapel window reminding me of the “weeds” in my life?

Okay, I get it!  You’re in them all and in me – even though I’m grumbling about them. Guess I need to add to the list of my own “weeds” and work at pulling them up!

April 24, 2016


A while back, I shared a reflection on St. Ignatius Church, Chapel Point, MD.  It was at this church that I was baptized, received the sacraments and filled my heart with memories. Today, my thoughts go back there having been stirred by this aerial view including the cemetery and a small glimpse of the Potomac River.  Looking to the far right close to the trees my parents lay in rest having worshipped here and enjoyed a lifetime of friendships, prayer experiences, church picnics and lots more.

This picture holds the life and ministry of many Jesuits.  It holds the lives of many parishioners.  It holds the lives of those who worship there this Sunday.  For we are formed and shaped and held by all those whose lives surround our own.  Our experiences play a crucial role in our formation.  Our past, our present, our future are a part of others and they a part of us.  We are each a part of the soil, the memory, the landscape, the beautiful picture.

As you gather today as family, pray for those for have helped form who you are.  Share your fondest memories, laugh and enjoy!  Circle your family and friends in your conversation and praise God for your many blessings!

April 23, 2016

We pray to You, O Lord!

  • For love and compassion and understanding to permeate our families, our communities, our world
  • For the grace to see God in all peoples and races and creeds
  • For the continuation of God’s work here on earth
  • For a willingness to assist in evangelization
  • For a deepening of our relationship with God that reaches all we love
  • For seeds of God’s Word to be planted in all hearts
  • In gratitude for gifts received, for faith, for family

We pray to You, O Lord!

April 22, 2016


Risen Lord, I am so grateful for your presence in my life and in those who circle me.  You appeared to the women and to Your disciples and You make Yourself known to me, too.  I recognize You, not only in the breaking of the bread, but in the smiles of the young and the tears of the adult.  I recognize You in those longing to be closer to You and in those whose questions ring in my ears.  I recognize You in the strong and in the weak, in the hungry and those who have plenty, in those who lead and those who follow.

Today, I want to walk with You along my road of life.  I want to hear Your stories as they apply to me.  I want to hear what You need me to do.  I want to know Your love for me.  I want to feel Your arms embrace me as I falter, lift me up and set me back on the road.  I ant to be with You today in all the ways that I recognize You.

April 21, 2016

I was only a few minutes into my drive to Mass yesterday when I was stopped by the flashing red lights of an oncoming school bus on the left and a city bus on the right.  It was a double whammy!   The lineup of cars was fairly large – and we still had to navigate the circle!  It was definitely time to pull out the Rosary, put a smile on my face and laugh (after a reminder to leave earlier in the future!).

How like our lives this is.  Planning is important but real life and God’s vision take preference.  Our days can be a mixture of red lights resulting in many stops and starts and cautions.  New ideas surface, another vision is expressed, other alternatives are presented. We think that we are doing everything right and have set ourselves on the right path only to find out that the timing is all wrong and we need to wait.  It’s time for a deep breath and a quiet prayer and perhaps a conversation with a friend.

Don’t wait to get caught in the bus traffic to turn your heart and mind to God!  Set a time for yourself each day and try to be faithful to continuing to deepen your relationship with God.  Just a few minutes can make a difference in you and in experiencing a detour in your plans.